Learning with Respect, Excellence, and Integrity
- II. Please review the following rules and expectations carefully
- III. Internet Usage Policy
- IV. These behaviors will result in disciplinary action
- V. Bullying And Harrassment Policy
- VI. Academic Integrity Policy
- VII. Parents, as partners in supporting student learning, you are encouraged to
- VIII. Parent/Guardian's Responsibilities
All SingMath Tutoring students receiving digital curriculum and direct instruction online are subject to any applicable policies and this Student Virtual Learning Code of Conduct.
As a virtual learning student, there are additional rules and expectations regarding prior online etiquette in place in order to protect all students and all staff members.
Access to remote learning must be used in a responsible, safe, efficient, ethical, and legal manner. With expanded access to electronic information, availability of inappropriate material is not uncommon.
Some sites contain illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or offensive information. We especially appreciate partnering with parents to teach responsible Internet use.
II. Please review the following rules and expectations carefully
III. Internet Usage Policy
All Internet data that is composed, transmitted, or received via our computer communications systems is considered to be part of the official records of SingMath Tutoring and, as such, is subject to disclosure to the parent, parents, administration or other third parties. Consequently, SingMath Tutoring expects both students and parents to abide by the school’s Internet usage policy.
Data that is composed, transmitted, accessed, or received via the Internet must not contain content that could be considered discriminatory, offensive, obscene, threatening, harassing, intimidating, or disruptive to any other person. Examples of unacceptable content may include, but are not limited to, sexual comments or images, racial slurs, gender-specific comments, or any other comments or images that could reasonably offend someone on the basis of race, age, sex, religious or political beliefs, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Abuse of Internet platforms and tools in violation of school policies will result in disciplinary action. Below are examples of poor behaviors that are prohibited, but are not limited to this list.
IV. These behaviors will result in disciplinary action
V. Bullying And Harrassment Policy
Harassment is prohibited between members of the school community, including communication of any form between students, parents, faculty and/or staff, and any third parties directly or indirectly.
We are committed to maintaining a working and learning environment in which students, faculty, and staff can develop intellectually, professionally, personally and socially. Such an atmosphere must be free of intimidation, fear, coercion and reprisal.
It is an expectation that all students and employees shall use all equipment and programs for the intended educational purpose. We are committed to protecting students and employees from bullying, harassment or inappropriate uses of computers or programs to participate in bullying behavior. Bullying and Harassment will not be tolerated and shall be just cause for disciplinary action.
Conduct that constitutes bullying or harassment, as defined herein, is prohibited. Bullying, harassment, and cyber stalking are defined as inflicting physical or psychological distress, and/or communicating words, images or language using electronic mail that causes emotional distress and for which there is no legitimate purpose. Any action by a student or parent deemed inappropriate will be fully investigated by the appropriate school administrator.
VI. Academic Integrity Policy
What is academic integrity?
Academic integrity is an ethical code, whereby the student guarantees that all work submitted is the student’s own work.
Why is academic integrity important?
When students submit an assignment that is not their own original work, there are two issues involved:
1. Students are earning credit for learning material for which they have not demonstrated mastery.
2. They may be violating the policies of the school.
What are some examples of academic integrity violations?
There are two kinds of academic integrity violations:
1. Plagiarism
Plagiarism – To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one as own: use (another as a production) without crediting the source. Some examples are, but not limited to the following:
– Copying and pasting a report from the Internet and representing it as your own work
– Copying any other work and not properly citing authorship
2. Cheating
– To influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice
– To practice fraud or trickery to violate rules dishonestly
– Providing questions/answers/ work to another student
– Receiving questions/answers/work from another student
VII. Parents, as partners in supporting student learning, you are encouraged to
VIII. Parent/Guardian’s Responsibilities
As a parent/guardian of a virtual school student, it is very important to understand the responsibilities associated with that role. With the many distractions students have today, it can be difficult for some students to set aside time to work on courses when not in school. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to encourage the student to manage their time in an effective way.
Teachers will keep the parent/guardian apprised of the student’s progress and will initiate contact if they fall behind in their coursework.
Parents are expected to supervise and monitor their student’s progress throughout the duration of the course, just as you would in a regular learning setting.
Parents should support Academic Integrity. Academic Integrity is one of our core values and one of the most important areas of focus as a learning organization. Students with Academic Integrity make decisions based on ethics and values that will prepare them to be productive and ethical citizens.