Poems are the truest forms of expression

Our Students’ Compositions

Here is a collection of some of our students’ compositions

The Journey of Abraham Lincoln


As I walk through the grave Virginia streets
That scream as I walk upon them,
I calmly watch the tens and hundreds of black slaves
working so hard.
And I wonder why they chose to come here,
Though they could’ve gone to any of the free states

The Journey of Abraham Lincoln


As I walk through the grave Virginia streets
That scream as I walk upon them,
I calmly watch the tens and hundreds of black slaves
working so hard.

And I wonder why they chose to come here,
Though they could’ve gone to any of the free states

That desperately called out to them with open arms,
They chose to come here.

Despite the hardships they might have faced;
Despite the racial atrocities they might’ve suffered;

Despite being treated by all the white owners as if they were nothing,
But a black person;

Nothing, but a person who was dark-skinned;
Nothing, but a person who was not able to have equal rights
Just because they were born swarthy;
Just because of the way they look;

“They can’t fight for themselves, can they?” I questioned.
I will become president. I will deliver justice to these innocent people.
Work, work, work was all I did for countless days.
The night turned to day, and the day turned to night,
And before I had known it, it was election day.

I walked calmly down the Washington streets.
And I was proud, I was confident, and, you bet, I was happy to be me

For days I waited until it had been announced.
I had done it! I had become president!
I now had the chance to give justice to everyone,
And that’s exactly what I will do.

Though soon I had delivered justice, many people disliked it.
They thought they were more valuable,
But more valuable, they certainly were not.

On April 15, 1865
I was assassinated at the Petersen House, Washington, D.C.
I was devastated,
But the fact that I had administered justice to the innocent
Lived on in my heart and in the world.

Goodbye world ….



E nglish
N ecessary
G rammar standards



E nglish
N ecessary
G rammar standards
L egendary writers
I magination runs wild
S tories to charm
H elpful for communication

An acrostic poem takes a word and makes a poem out of the letters of that word: E N G L I S H. In her poem she says that English is Necessary with its Grammar standards. It has Legendary writers and allows our Imaginations to run wild, with Stories to charm, and Helps us communicate.

The Devel Sixteen

Arsh, 5th Grade

With a shattering speed of 347mph produced by a quad-turbocharged, V16 engine, the famous Devel Sixteen is a hypercar like no other, 

The Devel Sixteen

Arsh, 5th Grade

With a shattering speed of 347mph produced by a quad-turbocharged, V16 engine, the famous Devel Sixteen is a hypercar like no other, with a fully leather-covered interior. Originating in the United Arab Emirates, it is said to cost around 1.8 – 2.2 million dollars with only three made, each costing a different price. This car can only be seen on social media and the World’s Fair.

The Devel’s frame is constructed from carbon fiber, a light, strong, and expensive material that makes the performance of the car improve in terms of weight, speed, and safety. While the front is overly designed and holds many vents for the car’s functions, the rear holds the engine and wears two oversized exhausts with beautifully designed taillights neighboring. Dotted with buttons, the oval-shaped steering wheel is housed in a small, bright interior. The car can hold two people and holds a huge screen supporting a hotspot and WI-FI while the driver’s dashboard has many measuring meters.

The Devel is not road legal, so what is it meant for? Devel Sixteen answered that the roadster will be a track-focused car with a one-seater version as well. As the Devel is still in its beta phase, many changes will be made to the hypercar over the years.

The Spooky Closet

Anvika, 3rd Grade

One day as Mary was about to take a shower, she heard a spooky noise 

The Spooky Closet

Anvika, 3rd Grade

One day as Mary was about to take a shower, she heard a spooky noise coming from her closet. She thought she was imagining things, but then she heard it again. This time she knew she was not imagining it. She decided to check it out later. After some time Mary went back to the closet, but this time she didn’t hear any noise. Something was strange. She started to head out of the room, but she heard the noise again. Despite her fear, she went inside the closet and found out it was only her toy duck making noise.

She laughed and went downstairs. When she was eating dinner, she heard a louder, bigger, scarier noise. She knew that this wasn’t the duck making noise. She raced upstairs and saw something surprising in her closet. She couldn’t believe what she saw. There was a fire-breathing dragon in her closet!! The dragon gobbled her up and Mary was never to be seen again.

Stop Pollution

Reva Ramireddy, 5th Grade

Smoke is pollution
A terrible distribution
Over our green planet

Stop Pollution

Reva Ramireddy, 5th Grade

Smoke is pollution
A terrible distribution
Over our green planet
With destruction as its target

Despite your disbelief
It actually hurts a leaf
Shut down factories
Grow more trees

Stop harmful pollution
And start a revolution
Let’s take a part
In this new start

The Peacock

Sahasra, 3rd Grade

A peacock has a long, shiny, dark blue neck and a crown on its

The Peacock

Sahasra, 3rd Grade

A peacock has a long, shiny, dark blue neck and a crown on its head. It has beautiful multicolored feathers. When a peacock dances, it spreads its wings out like a fan. A dancing peacock presents a very beautiful sight.

As this dance is very graceful, it has inspired a type of dance which is known as the Peacock Dance. In this dance, the movements of a dancing peacock are imitated. Its long feathers are used to make many beautiful and decorative ornaments. A peacock can fly for very short distances. The female of the species is known as a ‘peahen.’ There are many stories and legends relating to the peacock in Indian mythology.

The peacock has also proved to be a good friend of farmers. Since it feeds on insects, it helps in keeping the farmer’s lands free of insects that harm his crops.

Restrict Deforestation

Reva Ramireddy, 5th Grade

I strongly believe deforestation should be restricted. Deforestation is the process of trees being cut down.

Restrict Deforestation

Reva Ramireddy, 5th Grade

I strongly believe deforestation should be restricted. Deforestation is the process of trees being cut down. Thousands of trees are cut down daily. Trees prevent carbon from being released and mudslides from happening. A landscape filled with trees is much more pleasing to the eyes and relaxing to the soul than a bare landscape. Let’s save the trees by not cutting them down.

When forests are burned, their carbon is returned to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that has the potential to alter global climate. When trees are burned, they release carbon dioxide into the air. According to scientists, global temperatures increase because of human industrial activity such as agriculture and deforestation.   However, scientists have attributed the recent increase in global temperatures to human cause, primarily, the release of certain gases into the atmosphere as a result of industrial activity. According to the US Forest  Service Forest Management (US FSFM), another source of carbon dioxide from human activity is the clearing of forests for agriculture and other purposes. These gases are known as greenhouse gases. They absorb and trap heat emitted from Earth’s surface through a process known as the greenhouse effect. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air to make food through the process of photosynthesis. When trees are cut down or burned, much of the carbon that they have stored is released back into the air as carbon dioxide.

Many believe forests recover after being destroyed. Although forests may recover after being cleared, this is not always the case. According to the US FSFM, about 150,000 square miles (400,000 square kilometers) of tropical deforested land exists in the form of steep mountain hillsides. That is a great amount of land. The combination of steep slopes, high rainfall, and the lack of tree roots to bind the soil can lead to disastrous landslides that destroy fields, homes, and human lives. Steep slopes aside, only about one-fourth of the humid forests that have been cleared are exploited as croplands. The rest are abandoned or used for grazing land that often can support only low densities of animals because the soils underlying much of this land are extremely poor in nutrients.

We should not cut down our beautiful forests, which are a home for animals and native tribes. Forests grant us beautiful scenery and a place to rest our souls away from our stress-filled cities. If trees are cut down this is all lost. Many forests are peaceful, quiet places where people can rest or play. When trees are cut down, this recreational use of forests is lost. Forests are home to an enormous range of living things. When an area is deforested, many plants and animals are killed. Others lose their habitats. Some types of living things become extinct because of deforestation, especially those that live in tropical rainforests. The traditional way of life for rainforest peoples can be greatly affected by deforestation. Rainforests have been home to many groups of tribal peoples for thousands of years. There is a historical tribe called the Rainforest Indians. They live in forests and they have to move out because of deforestation. Many of them were forced to move or to change their way of life as they came into contact with people from outside the rainforest who were cutting down their homes. According to scientists, however, there are still some groups that have maintained their traditional culture. There are still others that are considered “uncontacted,” or “undiscovered”. These are people who are located so remotely that they have yet to be encountered or who have intentionally been left alone by other people. Let’s preserve their traditional way of living by not cutting trees down.

Many people think it is okay to get trees cut down to get more office space or doctors’ offices, which help our health. They say that if trees are cut down we get more paper for textbooks to benefit our education. But what they don’t see are the dangers. The oxygen we breathe comes from trees and if the trees get cut down the oxygen provided decreases. Trees are also there to hold the soil. Without trees, there could be serious landslides. The aesthetic scenery that trees provide will all be gone. Trees are a part of our environment and we need them to survive. Let’s save the trees!

My Life With Bunny

Gabriella De La Torre, 4th Grade

As she cuddles next to me,
I think about all the times I’ve spent with her. We know we will

My Life With Bunny

Gabriella De La Torre, 4th Grade

As she cuddles next to me,
I think about all the times I’ve spent with her.
We know we will continue having adventures everyday,
But who is this cuddly thing?
It’s my little bunny, Caramel.

As I open my eyes, I know that she will be next to me.
I get out of my bed and let her out of her cage.
As she crawls out, she knows she is ready to take on the world.
She walks around my large room and looks for her treats.
As I go to get her food, I make sure to close the door behind me.
When I come back, she is still hopping around.

I fill up her bowl with her favorite pellets as she eats them, I see how her eyes light up. We start to play with her toys and she suddenly runs off into the kitchen to explore. I say, “Get back here!” When I finally catch her, I say, “You are having a time out for 5 minutes!”

As I take her to the timeout corner she whines and whines. She wants to say, “I just wanted to explore.” She finally wins and I let her go.

She sits there and waits, wanting a carrot.
I get her carrots and I say, “Sit.”
She sits and does puppy eyes, 
So I give her a small carrot.
She nibbles and nibbles until no carrot is left.

She yawns and I know she needs to rest. I pick her up and put her in her little bed. I put the covers over her in case it gets cold, fluff her pillows, and read her Peter Rabbit. She closes her eyes and I go to take a nap as well.

As I close my eyes and later wake up, I realize I never had a bunny. It was all a dream, but if I do get a bunny that’s what I would do.
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